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The Winter Cleanup

The cold nights and cool windy days are a sure sign that winter is upon us. Now is the time to get ready for spring by getting a little dirty in your garden.

Where do I start?

Get out a pen and make a plan. Even the trickiest cleanups can be accomplished when you have a clear idea on how to tackle it. It also helps you to focus and cut cleanup time. You may want to organise your rubbish removal service in the planning stage. Organising your rubbish removal now will give you a cleanup deadline.

Okay so what’s the plan of attack?

You should remove all plants and outdoor features that didn’t make it through the winter. The recent rain may have caused irreparable damage to some of your plants and outdoor furniture. Remove these and any other plants that won’t make it to spring.

Next you should cut back plants and trees to promote spring growth and reduce the risk of a tree falling, which could take power lines and part of your home down with it. Most trees and plants benefit from a good pruning, so don’t spare your trees feelings. If you cut back just to clear the power lines, then you will require another prune in next to no time and pruning new growth will damage and stunt trees.

Finally, get Brizzy Rubbish Removals to remove your garden waste. You should always remove the garden waste from your property quickly to help reduce weed outbreaks and the fire hazard (plus piles of garden rubbish are a bit of an eyesore).

Is your Garage filled with Rubbish and Junk?

A very wise person once pointed out how silly it was that we fill our garages with useless junk and clutter while parking our most valuable possession in the driveway. If this sounds like you then maybe it’s time to clean up and clear out your garage!

Brizzy Rubbish Removals have compiled a “How To” for cleaning out your garage to make things a little easier for you.

How to Clear Out Your Garage with Brizzy Rubbish Removals:

1. Check the Brisbane weather report to make sure there’s no rain forecast, then gather up a few likely friends or family members to help out – it helps if you offer snacks and drinks, and put on some energising music.

2. Take everything out of the garage and sort it into three piles: “Rubbish“, “Donate” and “Sell”. Anything that doesn’t go on one of those piles gets put neatly back in your garage.

3. Call Brizzy Rubbish Removals on 1800 BRIZZY (1800 274 999) to take away the “Rubbish” pile for you. Don’t worry about boxing it up, or hiring a skip bin… just point them at the rubbish pile and leave them to it. To make it even easier, you can book the rubbish removal service online.

4. Load the Donate pile into your car to drop off at one of the charity collection bins, or if you have bigger items then call them to come and collect it for you. With the “Sell” pile, you can either box it up ready for a garage sale, or acquaint yourself with one of the many online auction sites or classified newspapers.

5. And finally, once you have finished, park your most valuable possession back where it belongs where it will be protected from the weather and opportunistic crims. (Your insurer might even drop your premiums a little once you are parking in a locked garage again – why not ring and ask them?).

We said it was going to be easy, didn’t we?

Junk Removal – Out with the old, and in with the new!

Christmas has been and gone, New Years resolutions made and broken, and the kids are back at school for another term. Now there’s just one more thing to do before you relax and that’s the post-holiday cleanup. If you’re in Brisbane and you have junk to remove, don’t waste time adding it to the wheelie bin week after week, or let it collect dust on top of the wardrobe. One of the best ways to keep the clutter at bay is to get rid of something old each time you get something new, and what better time than right now! Just call Brizzy Rubbish Removals on 1800 BRIZZY (1800 274 999), point them in the right direction, and make yourself a cuppa (on the new espresso maker you got from Auntie Beryl) while they do all the hard work for you. Too easy! And since you’re already online, you don’t even need to reach for the phone… just use the handy online Junk Removal booking form.

It’s Brisbane storm cleanup time!

If you live in Brisbane, you’ll be no stranger to the Summer storms that have been lashing the city a little earlier than usual. Brizzy Rubbish Removals are dedicating their time and vehicles to help with garden rubbish clean up after the recent storms, so if you’ve been hit by these storms and are in need of help to clean up the storm debris, give Brizzy Rubbish a call on 1800 BRIZZY (1800 274 999) and ask how they can help you. For those who were lucky enough to escape damage, it’s not too late to secure your property by clearing out loose items around the yard and pruning back trees and dead branches.

On a lighter note, with Xmas holidays fast approaching now is a great time to think about having a spring clean. Do you need to clear out the “junk room” to make room for holiday guests? Are you wasting valuable storage space on broken toys from years gone by? Is your New Year’s Resolution to stop hoarding junk? Brizzy Rubbish can make it easier than you think… whether it’s storm debris or household rubbish, just point us to it and we’ll make it disappear so you can sit back and concentrate on having a relaxing Summer break. And for an extra $10 in your pocket, why not use the Junk Removal Online Booking Form. Happy Holidays!