Category Archives: Brisbane

Rubbish Removal the Easy Way

If you are like most Brisbane households, removing rubbish is bottom of the list of ‘fun jobs to do on the weekend in Brisbane’. To start with if it’s junk, it needs sorting. Then you have to get through the inevitable discussion around what should go and what shouldn’t be disposed of (is it really junk or is it a project you absolutely will get to before you retire?). We have heard and seen it all I can assure you!

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Rainy Day Rubbish Clear Out

How good was all that rain this Easter?! Well good as long as you didn’t plan to camp. Nice weather for ducks. We love the rain because there’s nothing like a rainy day stuck inside to get the organiser types into their happy place. If you’re not one of them and you see an organiser starting to get ready for a big clear out and declutter we suggest you get out of the house ASAP. ‘Skedaddle’ you know? If you don’t move fast you might be drawn into hauling boxes of rubbish into the garage ready for a trip to the rubbish tip. Keep our number handy just in case.

So what sort of clean ups and clear outs happen on a rainy day? Well there’s the classic garage clean up. This is where your husband disappears into the garage with a headset and doesn’t resurface for hours but you do hear things being moved around so he can finally see his tools over all the household jun that has been collecting in the garage. Meanwhile it’s a good excuse to watch a few episodes of MAFS or GoT without interruption.

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Waste Reduction and Rubbish Removals in Brisbane

Thanks for stopping by Brizzy Rubbish Removals.  You are no doubt gearing up for the big holiday period over Christmas and the New Year in Brisbane.  The weather has been holding out just great (still not too hot out there Brisbane) and our rubbish removal guys have been hard at it every day getting the junk and rubbish out of Brisbane homes and into the recycling stations around Brisbane Metro and surrounds.

There have been a lot of amazing waste reduction strategies we’ve seen coming out this year which just goes to show how committed Brisbane is to reduce reuse and recycle.  We are just as committed to this idea at Brizzy Rubbish Removals and we try our hardest to always ensure as much as possible is recycled whether it’s fridges and washing machines or old printers and computer equipment (e-waste) we will get the job done fast so you don’t have to mess around with rubbish.  We load, you relax and that’s exactly how it happens.

If you jump over to our Facebook page you’ll see that we often uncover great little ideas around rubbish reduction and recycling in Brisbane.  Don’t be shy, feel free to comment and let us know of any other recycling and waste reduction ideas you know of.