If your car no longer fits inside your garage and your access door to your home is no longer accessible, it’s time for a serious garage de-clutter! Spring is the ideal season for outdoor projects. It’s also the best time to prepare for the Brisbane storm season.
If you’re planning to place your home on the market, then cleaning out the garage is of course a necessity. You need to get rid of the rubbish to reduce the number of boxes you must pack and move! Rubbish removal will also make your home more inviting to potential buyers. The seven steps below will help you achieve garage de-clutter perfection that lasts!
Step 1 – Check the Brisbane weather (BOM Radar is good for that) and your schedule to choose the perfect de-clutter time. You want to do the entire job in one stretch of time instead of breaking the job up into shorter time segments. That way, you have the option to drag everything out of the garage and deal with it without worrying about rain or vandalism. Besides, it’s easier to make de-cluttering the garage a priority when everything is out in the yard!
Step 2 – Take ‘before’ photos of what every area of your garage looks like before you start. You’ll want to have them to compare to the ‘after’ photos after you finish! Nothing like a good before and after to develop a sense of achievement.
Step 3 – Designate areas of your yard or drive according to what you plan to do with each item. Place boxes marked for those things you want to donate or keep in their perspective areas. This time-saver allows you to box it up as you carry the clutter from the garage. Make a place for the things you want to keep, too. The biggest pile will go into the bin for rubbish removal.
Step 4 – Carry everything out and put it into its appropriate spot. Be realistic about what you really need to keep and what you need to let go. If you haven’t missed it at the bottom of the garage clutter, you probably don’t need it.
Step 5 – Give the garage a good cleaning. If it needs a new coat of paint, this is the perfect time for that as well.
Step 6 – Take advantage of organising tools that let you use more of your vertical space. For example, cargo nets in the centre of the garage provide storage for holiday decorations. Wall bicycle hooks let you get bikes off the floor. The more you use your wall and ceiling space, the more open the garage floor will be. It may take a little longer to get everything back inside. But better organisation will help keep the clutter from happening again.
Step 7 – Take the items that you plan to give away or donate to their respective locations. Call us for professional junk collection services to take away the rest.
Now, it’s time to take that ‘after’ photo and start enjoying your garage again!